Japanese / English


Not learning English, but English for learning

(English Language Proficiency Test/Entrance exam/ English Essay Writing/ English Interview)


At first, my goal was to pass the university entrance exam; however, I started to recognize English as a tool for studying and communication, and I could improve my English skill through enjoying lessons.

I was frustrated sometimes when I could not understand the article in a higher level, but I was looking forward to its contents in each lesson. I also enjoyed the practice for English interview at the last minute of the exam. I could have self-confidence when taking the exam because not only teachers in my high school, the tutor, Miki taught many things to me. I strongly think I was happy to take this lesson. 

Spring in 2022 Passed Akita University 

  M-san(Japan・Yurihonjo City・High School Student) 


I could enhance my motivation by passing EIKEN Grade Pre-1!

 (For English Language Proficiency Test/ Entrance exam/English Essay Writing/ English Interview/ Speech Contest)


We practiced English Interview and Essay Writing many times. I could get a good grade equally in all areas because the tutor provided lessons to overcome my weak points. In addition, she advised me about my future path and answered my questions even though the lesson time was over. I was really glad that she listened to me kindly.

 Spring in 2022 Passed Yokohama City University

Fall in 2021 Passed EIKEN Grade Pre-1 

  H-san(Japan・Akita City・High School Student) 

Worth challenging lesson(For TOEIC/ Skill up)


The tutor was kind and taught politely, so I even enjoyed making a mistake, which was the first experience for me. The lesson materials were also challenging such as dictation and listening exercise of news articles. After lessons, I suddenly noticed that I could do TOEIC listening well and remember difficult vocabulary easily. It was pleasant surprise for me to realize I could improve my English skill.


  J-san(Japan/ Akita City/ Working Adult 50s)

English as an education 

(For English Language Proficiency Test/ Entrance exam/English Essay Writing/ Interview)


At first, I started to take lessons to improve my English skill for the university entrance exam. However, I could learn English for the future of myself acquiring English expression and conversation skill through the lessons with the tutor!

I would like to deepen English study even more in the university!



Spring in 2021 Passed Akita University

  H-san(Japan/ Yurihonjo City/ High School Student)

Fun English learning (For Speech Contest/ Skill up)


During the first lesson, I told the tutor that I love Disney movies. Then, the tutor used one of them as a teaching material, which made me happy and motivated to study English more.

In addition, the tutor taught correct pronunciations during lessons for English Speech Contest. So, I could study a lot of unfamiliar words and get new knowledge. 


H-san(Japan /Akita City/ Junior High School Student)

I have a great time using English! (For IELTS/ Skill up)


My recommendations of this lesson are following 2 points. First, the tutor always teaches English politely. Second, the tutor provides lessons following the student's level and goal. During every lesson, we have a free conversation in English. It is my favorite part, and I always enjoy it. I feel I can improve my English skill step by step talking about day-to-day event.



D-san (Taiwan /Ugo Town/ Working Adult 20s)

To "use" English (For Entrance exam/ English Essay Writing/ Interview)


What do you study English for? It will be different depending on the person such as for entrance exam or hobby.

This lesson was a great opportunity for me not only to study English as a language, but also to deeply think about humanly part such as what I want to do using English as a "tool".

Thanks to this experience, I'm now living freely in the world!


Fall in 2016 Passed Akita International University

Y-san (Japan / Akita City/ University Student)