Japanese / English

Course & Price

Diary Course

Get corrections 4 times in a month


★For a student who would like to start English learning casually and keep studying every day

Write diary every day and get corrections/advices from a tutor once a week.

Can use English which you learned by writing diary and increase knowledge by getting corrections at the same time.

Dictation Course

Get corrections 4 times in a month


★For a student who would like to start English learning casually and keep studying every day

Take dictation based on a topic and get corrections/advices from a tutor once a week.

Can enhance listening and writing skills mainly.


What is dictation?...A training of writing words and sentences read aloud in foreign language.

Free English Writing Course

Get corrections 4 times in a month


For a student who would like to improve writing skill especially

Set a theme and contents freely by yourself and get corrections/advices from a tutor once a week.

Can train English writing and increase knowledge by getting corrections at the same time.

For a small child

Basic (36 lessons in a year)

35 minutes ¥4,000/month

Advanced (48 lessons in a year)

35 minutes ¥5,000/month

Challenge (60 lessons in a year)

35 minutes ¥6,000/month

For an elementary school student

Basic (36 lessons in a year)

45 minutes ¥4,500/month

Advanced (48 lessons in a year)

45 minutes ¥6,000/month

Challenge (60 lessons in a year)

45 minutes ¥7,500/month

For a junior high school student

Basic (36 lessons in a year)

60 minutes ¥6,000/month

90 minutes ¥9,000/month

Advanced (48 lessons in a year)

60 minutes ¥8,000/month

90 minutes ¥12,000/month

Challenge (60 lessons in a year)

60 minutes ¥10,000/month

90 minutes ¥15,000/month

For a high school student, a university student, an adult

Basic (36 lessons in a year)

60 minutes ¥9,000/month

90 minutes ¥13,500/month

Advanced (48 lessons in a year)

60 minutes ¥12,000/month

90 minutes ¥18,000/month

Challenge (60 lessons in a year)

60 minutes ¥15,000/month

90 minutes ¥22,500/month

Crash Course (Only during vacations or before exams etc.)

5 lessons

60 minutes ¥15,000

90 minutes ¥22,500

10 lessons

60 minutes ¥30,000

90 minutes ¥45,000

Single Lesson

60 minutes ¥4,000

90 minutes ¥6,000

120 minutes ¥8,000


※Annual course fee will be applied when taking over 3 lessons per month.

★In case of home visiting lessons, traffic expenses will be charged.